November 2023

Carrie White is a misfit. At school, she's an outcast who's bullied by the popular crowd, and virtually invisible to everyone else. At home, she's at the mercy of her loving but cruelly over­protective mother. But Carrie's just discovered she's got a special power, and if pushed too far, she's not afraid to use it...

Based on Stephen King's bestselling novel, the musical of Carrie hasn't been seen since its legendary 1988 Broadway production. Now, the show's original authors have joined with director Stafford Arima (Altar Boyz) and MCC Theater for a newly reworked and fully re­imagined vision of this gripping tale. Set today, in the small town of Chamberlain, Maine, Carrie features a book by Lawrence D. Cohen (screenwriter of the classic film), music by Academy Award winner Michael Gore (Fame, Terms of Endearment), and lyrics by Academy Award winner Dean Pitchford (Fame, Footloose).


Carrie White - Megan Davidson
Margaret White - Natasha Scholey
Sue Snell - Ruby Pinkerton
Tommy Ross - Simon Barnett
Chris Hargensen - Sarah Whalen
Billy Nolan - Brad Tucker
Miss Gardner / Authority Voice - Kristin Stefanoff
Mr Stephens / Rev. Bliss / Authority Voice - Michael Butler
Stokes - Matt Barnett
Helen - Kirsty Burch
Carol - Tielah-Jade Cannon
Norma - Ella Heywood-Smith
Freddy - Shane Huang
Frieda - Gen Mohacsy
Tiphany - Ashleigh Rathjen
George - Sean Wright 
Original Tiphany - Tammy Shields

Production Team

Director - Ben Stefanoff
Musical Director - Dylan Rufus
Choreographer - Ashleigh Rathjen
Production Managers - Corinne & Gregg Eustice
Stage Manager - Anthea 'Harold' Browne
Lighting Designer - Matt Ralph
LX Operation - Katherine Dominish
Follow Spot Operators - Lidya Arway, Nick Warn & Thomas McCarthy
Props/Set Dressing Coordinator - Shari Harkness-Mills
Stage Crew - John McTier, Gus Smith, Jonathan Ogilvie, Paul Tossel
Audio - Tim Freedman & AllPro Audio
Sound Designer / Operation - Martin Gilbert
Costume Coordinator - Amanda Davidson & Ben Stefanoff
Set & Illusion Design - Ben & Kristin Stefanoff
Set Construction - Gary Davidson, Ben & Kristin Stefanoff
Set & Painting Assistance - Cast, HMC Committee, Rob Barnett, Jade Stefanoff
Blood and Special Effects Makeup - Kate Anolak
Keyboard Programming - Dylan Rufus
Front-Of-House Managers / Coordination - Greg Janzow & Vanessa Redmond
Graphic Design - Kristin Stefanoff
Program Design - Tielah-Jade Cannon
Publicity - Ben Stefanoff
Photography - Daniel Salmond
Ticketing - Scott Whellum


Musical Director / Conductor - Dylan Rufus
Keyboard 1 - Leanne Savill
Keyboard 2 - Mitchell Bettison (dep: Billy St. John)
Guitar 1 - Mark Lanigan-O'Keeffe
Guitar 2 - Sam Morris
Drums - Jack Barton
Cello - Louisa Giacomini (dep: Steph Teh)
Bass - Ella Conboy (dep: Gregg Eustice)